Volume 11, Issue 1 (2007)                   MJSP 2007, 11(1): 181-205 | Back to browse issues page

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Yazdani M H, Nazarian A, Porahmad A. Survey of Differential Urbanization in Iran. MJSP 2007; 11 (1) :181-205
URL: http://hsmsp.modares.ac.ir/article-21-2908-en.html
1- Tarbiat Moallem University, tehran. Iran
2- Professor of Geography and Urban & regional planning, Department of Geography, Tarbiat Moallem University
3- Associate Professor of Human Geography, Faculty of Geography, Tehran University
Abstract:   (6850 Views)
The purpose of this study is to present “differential urbanization” theory and to test this theory for the case of Iran during 50 years between 1950- 2000 for 10 statistical periods. First the differential urbanization theory has been presented and then has been pointed the case studies employed this theory. Finally, we applied this theory for analyzing urban system of Iran. The survey of this theory for Iran shows that its urban system has passed “urbanization” phase since 1950 and has passed three stage of it to 1975 respectively and since 1975 to 1995 has passed two stage of the “polarization reversal” phase and enters to “counter urbanization” phase. The results of this study shows that totally differential urbanization theory conforms to Iran’s urban system trend, but shows some differences with urban system of Iran.
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Received: 2006/02/5 | Accepted: 2007/01/16 | Published: 2007/03/21

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