Volume 23, Issue 2 (2019)                   MJSP 2019, 23(2): 97-121 | Back to browse issues page

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Molaei A, Behzadfar M. Definition Urban Identical Competitiveness Dimensions and opportunity with contextual approach in Iranian cities. MJSP 2019; 23 (2) :97-121
URL: http://hsmsp.modares.ac.ir/article-21-26369-en.html
1- Assistance Professor at Islamic art Tabriz University , molaei.2488@gmail.com
2- Mostafa Behzadfar Professor at Iran University of Science and Technology, behzadfar@iust.ac.ir
Abstract:   (8086 Views)
Sustainability of urban and regional life, especially in economy dimension, is one of the most important aspects in the management of cities and societies associated with urban, regional, national and international competitions. In this regard, comprehensive planning focused on identical basis of cities and regions is needed to use vernacular capacities to a sustainable and identified economic future. Attention to identical contexts, especially in the natural, cultural, social and economic aspects, leads to negative consequences such as the degradation of the environment and culture, the instability of the economy of cities and regions in global change, and the reduction of resources and injustice. The problems that many of Iranian cities and regions are involved with them undermining the economic, social, cultural and environmental identity.
One of the important issues of the research is that the Iranian cities and regions have grown regardless of the contexts and, in addition, we have witnessed heterogeneous urban growth. Uncertain loading with the identity and context of the region and cities is one of the main causes of undermining justice in the regions of Iran. Attention to the potential competitiveness on the basis of identity can lead to regional equilibrium and a fair distribution of capital and business acquisition.
On the other hand, neglecting to identities in the last decades have led to an unbalanced growth of cities and regions. In addition to regional unbalances, the issue of planning is of paramount importance to indigenous areas in Iranian different regions, which, instead of identifying the contexts and capacities of the areas of cities and regions, destroying the identity, and the natural, historical, social and cultural backgrounds and economic has intensified. The growth of irregularities in the natural, historical, socio-economic areas of the regions has weakened many areas and eliminated some of the roots of the region's competitive ability. In some areas, excessive industrial, agricultural and demolition loads and heterogeneous populations cause climate destruction, drought, environmental degradation, social harm, and injustice, rural and small-town migration to metropolitan areas, poverty and marginalization.
The aim of this research is to definition the contexts and strategies of identical dimensions in urban competitiveness and how to apply identical contexts in the Iranian cities and regions competitiveness. This research has been done with analytical and documentary research method with context based strategy. In order to promotion city to a competitive and identity-oriented city, the cities and regions comprehensive plan must be developed in the dimensions of identity and competitive advantages with emphasizing on competitive advantages in identical contexts.
Therefore, while addressing the above and important issues, the research questions are: Principles and strategies of urban identical competitiveness are focused on the areas of urban and regional identities. In the present study, the study on the theoretical views on urban identity competitiveness explains the theories, principles and strategies of urban and regional competitiveness, history of urban and regional competitiveness in pre-Islam era and post-Islam era was done. Then definition of urban identity competitiveness with focus on contextual dimensions and then by conclusion and analyzing these results is be done.
Results and discussion
These competitive advantages are defined and categorized in the natural, environmental, historical, spatial, religious, cultural, social, economic, scientific and sport contexts. The creation of a competitive city contains identifying potential competitive advantages, visions and applied strategies related identical contexts. The most important urban identity competitiveness strategies include the recognition of competitive advantages in the dimensions of identity and branding, innovation, facilitating competitive infrastructure, urban tourism, urban branding, location branding and location, commodity originality, and brand-oriented identical contexts.
Competitive advantages in the Iranain cities can be analyzed in terms of homogeneous regions. In general, it can be said that most of Iran's cities are known for their natural, historical and cultural advantages. The natural benefits of rivers, springs, mitigating climates, plants, natural products, spa therapies, mountains, etc. are considered. Historical advantages include events such as the foundations of humanity, works and history, museums, and so on. Cultural advantages include a diverse range of foods, religious and spiritual events, sports and artistic and scientific celebrities, artistic industries, and unique goods. The table below shows ompetitive advantages (potential and real) in the regions of Iran. Urban, regional, national and international competitiveness in the present age faces new causes, dimensions and emergencies. It is dramatically increasing and often affecting all citizens. Competition for attracting more domestic and foreign capital, attracting more tourists, earning higher income, having cities and regions superior to the roots of the desire to compete in the city.
In order to promote the competitiveness of the Iranian cities and regions identity, the practical strategis can be used: branding of genuine local and national products, designing urban brand identity logos, identifying the terminals and airport with Iranian culture and art, establishment of local specialty brands for local cuisine, use of new technologies and tools for promoting adaptation and branding, holding national and international exhibitions and international strategies for urban diplomacy, internet branding, holding of the conference Festivals and festivals of genuine products of world culture Arts and Food and Architecture, Worldwide Specialized Brand Publishing, Global Registration of Historic, Natural and Cultural Sets, Religious and Health Promotion, Textile and Historical Improvement, Architectural Branding and Worldwide Brand Features, Exports of Essential Goods, Solving bureaucratic issues and preventing the overthrow of products and places and cities.
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Article Type: Qualitative Research | Subject: Earth-Surface Processes
Received: 2018/10/21 | Accepted: 2019/05/1 | Published: 2019/09/3

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