Volume 21, Issue 4 (2017)                   MJSP 2017, 21(4): 35-58 | Back to browse issues page

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parchekani P, hashemi S S, eftekhari A R, imani khoshkhoo M H. Impact of Decisive Factors in Sustainable Branding on Coastal Tourism destinations (Case study: Chabahar coastal zone). MJSP 2017; 21 (4) :35-58
URL: http://hsmsp.modares.ac.ir/article-21-16193-en.html
1- Managing Director Tourism Tourism University of Science and Culture
2- Director of Tourism Planning Department of Tehran University of Science and Technology
3- Professor of Rural Geography, Tarbiat Modares University
4- Associate of the University of Science and Culture
Abstract:   (4203 Views)
Impact of Decisive Factors in Sustainable Branding on Coastal Tourism destinations (Case study: Chabahar coastal zone) Abstract Branding the destination of tourism is a process through which a travel destination nourishes and developes its focal features, and renders to its main audiences, can be famous, build its reputation, maintain and strengthen it or even make some changes which is of great importance for tourism purposes, but regarding sustainability dimensions, its been been considered less important. The current study aims to explore the potential and resources associated with sustainable branding of coastal tourism destinations and considering different dimensions of environmental, economic, socio-cultural and institutional dimensions through a descriptive-analytical method participating 1125 subjects at four different levels (local community , Tourists, business owners and managers) in the Chabahar coastal zone. The results of this research indicate that the current status of branding in the Chabahar coastal area is undesirable due to the four dimensions of sustainability. Among the key elements in sustainability branding of Chabahar coastal tourism destination ,the share of all the items is significant while the impact of institutional factors is considered to be of utmost importance. key words: Sustainable Brand, Tourism Destinations, Coastal Tourism, Institutional Factors, Chabahar Sustainable Brand, Tourism Destinations, Coastal Tourism, Institutional Factors, Chabahar
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Subject: planning models,techniques and methods
Received: 2018/01/3 | Accepted: 2018/01/14 | Published: 2020/01/9

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