Abstract: (9841 Views)
Strategic Planning for Tourism Development in Yazd City, Using Meta-SWOT Model Abstract Satrategic planning is an approchfor management to do better and for get aimes. Thus strategic planning can use in tourism management. Touris strategy is in the core of tourism scince such as other activities.in thise regard SWOT model used fof strategic planning in tourism planning. Today with assessment of SWOT model understood that is qualified and haven’t predicat potaintial, thuse SWOT can supersed with Meta-SWOT. Formation of thise model has seven stepes that any step has seven steps. The purpose of this paper is to make brainstorm and ranking of decisions. Because of individuals changes your decision in during of activities, this tool can review input unbounded. This research is for tourism development in Yazd city and introduces Meta-SWOT for the first time.the methodology of this research is descriptive and analytical and data collection methods are documentary and survey. The results show that political stability is the main reseon for tourism development in Yazd city, and the other factor for tourism development in Yazd city are: economics constrains, note autthurities, human power and investment in tourism plans. The economics constrains for development of tourism in Yazd city depend on industries, legal restrictions and monetrary and currency problems. Key Word: Strategic Planning, Urban Tourism, Meta-SWOT, Yazd City.
Received: 2014/11/24 | Accepted: 2015/06/28 | Published: 2016/05/21