Volume 17, Issue 4 (2014)                   MJSP 2014, 17(4): 129-156 | Back to browse issues page

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Fatemi M, shahvali M. Explanantion of Communication and Informatnion Model for Extension of Theocentrism Organic Farming. MJSP 2014; 17 (4) :129-156
URL: http://hsmsp.modares.ac.ir/article-21-11724-en.html
1- Shiraz University
Abstract:   (7596 Views)
Public concern about food quality, human health and natural resources safe have been the most conerns during last decades and around the world. For this reason, focusing on organic farming has increased dramatically. But wisdom is messed in this information era, because current communication and information systems are designed on merely scientific approach. Theocentrism is suggested as an alternative to explain how to compare organic farming principles with theocentrism to produce Geen Products and to develop appropriate communication and information system for it. This system is developed by reviewing the related literature and archival research. Public concern about food quality, human health and natural resources safe have been the most conerns during last decades and around the world. For this reason, focusing on organic farming has increased dramatically. But wisdom is messed in this information era, because current communication and information systems are designed on merely scientific approach. Theocentrism is suggested as an alternative to explain how to compare organic farming principles with theocentrism to produce Geen Products and to develop appropriate communication and information system for it. This system is developed by reviewing the related literature and archival research. This system is developed by reviewing the related literature and archival research.
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Received: 2013/05/15 | Accepted: 2013/09/30 | Published: 2014/01/21

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