Parhizkar A, Gaffari Gilandeh A, Roknaddin Eftekhari A. The Role of E-government on the Settling of an Affair in an urban commerce system (Case Study: Tehran Metropolitan). MJSP 2007; 11 :57-100
1- Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
2- Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
3- Tehran University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: (6140 Views)
Electronic government initiatives are pervasive and have been adapted in different levels of maturity and complexity by almost all countries around the world. Given this fact, this paper was designed to review the wide variety of visions, strategic agendas, and contexts of application. Then a systematic conceptualization of e-government as an ideal point was proposed at the first step. Gauging the gap between the existing position and ideal point of e-government in Tehran was performed in the next step. The findings indicated that there is a high gap between the existing position and the ideal point of e-government in Tehran. Consequently, the existing position of e-government in Tehran has not necessary capabilities in settling a tailored affair in an urban commerce system. Thus an adaptive approach was used for highlighting the role of an integrated e-government to solve this problem.
Received: 1901/12/14 | Accepted: 1901/12/14 | Published: 2009/07/26