1- Tarbiat Modares University, tehran, Iran
2- MSc in Range Management,. Nat. Res. Fac. of Tarbiat Modarres Univ
Abstract: (7297 Views)
Management and optimal utilization of ecosystems need to identify their components and the relation and interactions between these components. The purpose of this research to determine the correlation between soil factors and vegetation parameters in a part of the Watershed rangelands in the Mazandaran province. The area of rangeland was about 2296 ha. For this purpose, 25 land units were selected by overlaying the slope, aspect and height maps using GIS as a foundation of sampling of vegetation and soil. Soil factors such as N, organic material, pH, EC, texture and structure were determined. Then plant cover parameters (canopy and density) measured for some species. Using statistic methods, correlations results showed that between soil factors and percentage of canopy cover and density in studied species identified, the effects of soil factors on studied species were not the same. EC, pH and clay were more effective on canopy and EC, clay, N and pH were more effective than the others on density of most of species. Also these relations differ with kind of vegetation. Also results showed that each plant species grows and lives in special edaphically condition that is different for others.
Received: 2005/07/2 | Accepted: 2007/01/24 | Published: 2007/03/21