Volume 14, Issue 1 (2010)                   MJSP 2010, 14(1): 213-234 | Back to browse issues page

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Zeaiean firouzabadi P, Valikhani A, Ghanavati E. Coastal Land Form and High/ low Tide Mapping using Remote Sensing, GIS and GPS Technology in coastal regulation zone: Boshehr Area. MJSP 2010; 14 (1) :213-234
URL: http://hsmsp.modares.ac.ir/article-21-81-en.html
1- Associated Professor, Geography dept, Tarbiyat Moalem University, Tehran‌, Iran
2- M.Sc.in Geomorphology, Geography dept, Tarbiyat Moalem University, Tehran, Iran
3- Assistante Professor, Geography dept, Tarbiyat Moalem University,Tehran‌, Iran
Abstract:   (7122 Views)
Boshehr is a coastal city located along the warm waters of persian gulf. It is limited to zagros mountains persian gulf, hableh river and Tangestan town from north, south, west and east, respectively. The study area is in between sea and land areas. Such especial situations make the formation of specific land forms in coastal regulation zone (CRZ). Howevre, land from studies, especially land forms in CRZ (land between low water line and 500 meters from high water line) are well sensed. Therefore, such sensetive areas should be more considered and more efforts should be made to have better knowledge about them. This would enable a better planning and management of industrial, commercial,‌ residential, environmetal and tourism problems of these areas. for better analysis and getting best knowledge for mapping land forms of this area, remote sensing, GIS and GPS technologies have been used. In this research, geology soils, climate and hydrology of the area were first studied. then, the charachteristics of the area, CRZ definition, land forms classificahion and their precise definition and also collection of tide statistics were made. First, remote sensing, preprocessing of the data was made and then, using digital and visual interpretation techniques, different land forms were identified. regulation zone was drown. Based on ground truth data comparison, the final land from map within the CRZ was generated. the CRZ land from map showed thah the coatal areas of Boshehr are plagic in type and their formation is mainly due to land erosion factors than sea erosion. Also in this area, the rules of crz are not observed and must be seriously considered. Then, using extracted tidal and shore lines from satellite data, the coastal
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Received: 2006/11/25 | Accepted: 2008/10/12 | Published: 2009/10/4

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