1- Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
2- Ph.D. Candidate of Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: (9994 Views)
Variance of rainfed crops yield in different years is one of the main problems of world agriculture, specially in arid regions. There are two major groups of factors that might affect the development of agriculture.The First group are factors that are either constant in time or can be controlled with modifing methods and technologies. The second group are unsustainable factors related to microclimate of each region (such as the rate of rainfall, temperature, relative humidity, etc.) which we can not have any control on them; because climate modifing based on optimum need of any crop is possible only in Greenhouse conditions and in small scale, Therefore, recognizing the climatic parameters that influence crop yield is very important.
By taking these factors into account, models can be prepared for forcasting the productivity and necessary plans can be made for providing the necessary crops in case of any shortage or saving them in stocks in case that there are more than enough.
In this research, the effective climatic parameters in the productivity of rainfed wheat in west Azarbaijan province has been studied, and the relation of crop yield and climatic parameters has been investigated by making different multiple-regression models. Finally, some modells has been presented for forcasting the rainfed wheat productivity in west Azarbaijan province. Result of this study show annaully rainfall total and annaully frost days average parameters have the more important role in the produce of find model.
Received: 2010/05/25 | Accepted: 2010/05/25 | Published: 2010/05/25