Alimohammadi A, Shamsoddini A, Zeaiean P. Comparison of Spectral and Spatial Performance of Image Fusion Methods in Several Difference Resolutions of Multi-Spectral and Pan Images:Tehran. MJSP 2008; 12 (1) :119-137
1- Khajehnasir University,Tehran, Iran
2- M. Sc. of RS & GIS, Tarbiat Modares University,Tehran, Iran
3- Department of GIS, Tarbiat Moallem University, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract: (11215 Views)
Difference in pixel size between multi-spectral and pan images, is one of the main effective factors on the spectral and spatial performance of image fusion methods. In this research, after producing simulated images with different pixel sizes of 8, 12, 16, 44 meters from IKONOS multi-spectral images and 4 meters from IKONOS pan image,by using four different fusion algorithms (i.e. Brovey, PCA, wavelet and combination of PCA and wavelet algorithms),all the simulated multi-spectral and pan derived images were fused.Correlation coefficient index and entropy were used to assess the spatial and spectral quality of the fused images, respectively. The results showed that the effect of increasing of multi-spectral images resolution difference compared with pan image on spectral and spatial quality of the fused images is related to the methods used for image fusion. Among the methods used for image fusion, Brovey transform and PCA-wavelet transform methods have the lowest and highest sensivity respectively, in respect to the variations of resolution difference. Also the relationship between spectral and spatial quality changes of the fused images with respect to the increasing of difference in pixel sizes of multi-spectral and pan images is non-linear.
Received: 2006/09/2 | Accepted: 2007/10/28 | Published: 2009/12/22