Volume 20, Issue 4 (2017)                   MJSP 2017, 20(4): 139-174 | Back to browse issues page

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5/5000 A, POURTAHERI M, efetkharaa A R. Spatial-Physical Zoning of Sustainable Rural Housing Case Study: Villages of Lorestan Province. MJSP 2017; 20 (4) :139-174
URL: http://hsmsp.modares.ac.ir/article-21-7453-en.html
1- PhD student of Geography and Rural Planning, Tarbiat Modarres University
2- Associate Professor of Geography and Rural Planning, Tarbiat Modarres University
3- Professor of Geography and Rural Planning, Tarbiat Modarres University
Abstract:   (10027 Views)
Rural housing is naturally regarded as the manifestation of biological and socio-economic rural methods and its model and performance acts as a window towards the identification of prospects and trends dominant over rural life and activities. The aim of this study is to evaluate the spatial-physical zoning of sustainable rural housing in Lorestan Province. To this end, a descriptive-analytic research method was employed. In this regard, factor analysis was used to select the sample size and identify homogeneous areas according to the scope of the study. The results of factor analysis showed that the climate of the obtained area is the result of the interaction of three different components, i.e. thermal domain, humidity, and raining components. These factors with eigenvalues higher than one account for about 73.35 percent of the total variance. Thereafter, cities were clustered using Ward’s cluster analysis. Based on cluster analysis, the Province’s cities were placed in 3 climatic zones. After the specification of homogeneous regions, the data pertaining to the number of households, natural position and distance of every village to the city center were categorized and inserted into the GIS environment. In each zone, a number of queries, equal to the number of states created in GIS, were taken based on these three factors and the frequency of villages in each category was determined in homogeneous zones. Finally, a total of 50 villages were selected as the sample. The studies pertaining to areas of expertise were utilized to identify measurement indicators of sustainable housing and the parameters associated with them with special emphasis on the rural areas of studies. Accordingly, 4 domains, 13 variables, and 73 items in this area were identified and were placed as the foundation of the questionnaire development as the main instrument of the research in field studies. The rural households in Lorestan Province consisted the statistical population of this research. From this population, 500 heads of households were selected using Cochran formula and the same number of questionnaires was filled in. For the analysis of the data obtained from field studies, both descriptive and inferential statistics (T-test and ANOVA) were employed. The results derived from descriptive statistics show that there are some differences in housing spaces and specifications in various clusters in economic, social, biological, environmental, and physical domains. The results of one-tail t-tests indicate that there is generally a low level of sustainability regarding housing dimensions in different zones. Moreover, ANOVA results show that the semi-humid zone with hot summers and mild winters as well as the semi-arid zone with extremely hot summers and relatively cold winters are placed in the same category in term of physical dimension. These zones enjoy a better status than the semi-humid zone with mild summers and cold winters. Similarly, the villages of the province are categorized into two classes, that is, semi-humid zones with mild summers and cold winters are of a more desirable situation in comparison with other zones in terms of economic status. In terms of social dimension, the villages under study are grouped into two categories. It is also shown that the semi-arid zone with extremely hot summers and relatively cold winters suffer from a more unsuitable situation than other zones. Finally, it is concluded that all the three zones share the same situation in terms of the environmental dimension, as all three zones are placed in the same category.  
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Received: 2016/01/16 | Accepted: 2016/05/12 | Published: 2017/01/20

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