Volume 13, Issue 1 (2009)                   MJSP 2009, 13(1): 129-163 | Back to browse issues page

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Hafeznia M R, Valigholizadeh A, Ahmadypur Z. Study and Analysis of the Role of Population in Geopolitical Weight IRAN. MJSP 2009; 13 (1) :129-163
URL: http://hsmsp.modares.ac.ir/article-21-6671-en.html
1- Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
2- Modares University, Tehran, Iran M A of Political Geography, Tarbiat
3- Assistant Professor of Political Geography, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (11759 Views)
Even though the matter of population usually is discussed in domain of human geography, population geography, and sociology but its political effect in political geography should be considered. In fact human being as one of the major principle in geopolitics (human and geography) is its active essence and dialectic. Basically matter of human always is considered in politic and power discussion .Population as an effective factor in national development, power and country national defense, has its different characteristics from quantitative and qualitative point of view that every case can have negative or positive influence in creation and stabilizing geopolitical Weight of a country. Nowadays IRAN population regarding to past decades changes and in spite of its proper quantitative situation has unsatisfactory qualitative condition .Among all this matter is very noticeable that major changes in quality of IRAN population depends on racial, lingual cultural and religious factors in IRAN society. Entirely this article besides its theoretical discussion, surveys the quality and quantity of IRAN population based on statistics of 1385 enumeration and compares it with past statistics and tries to answer this question that; what is the role of IRAN population in forming its geopolitical Weight.
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Received: 2007/07/17 | Accepted: 2008/02/24 | Published: 2010/03/11

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