Volume 19, Issue 3 (2015)                   MJSP 2015, 19(3): 39-72 | Back to browse issues page

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dayyani L. Appraisal of consequences and rural settlements ranking affected of residential lands assignment by use MADM method of ORESTE. MJSP 2015; 19 (3) :39-72
URL: http://hsmsp.modares.ac.ir/article-21-6140-en.html
Abstract:   (9776 Views)
Land Increasing from day to day human need and infeasibility of its production in particular make the practice of its operation and management to be undertaken in a suitable manner. In this connection, the attitude toward land use management and rural residential land assignments in particular has been accomplished to appearing too problems from an old and primitive development viewpoint. Therefore, over recent years, the attitude toward land use management and rural residential land assignments in particular has been made from a sustainability viewpoint. In Iran, like some other countries, the government has attempted to assign national wastelands within a residential land plan to the rural people since 1979. In this connection, yet scientical appraisal has been not for rural settlements ranking affected of consequences of rural residential lands assignment. On the other hand, ORESTE method has been introduce as a one of the most applicational ranking methods recently. Therefore, research aim is introduce and use ORESTE method for rural settlements ranking affected of consequences of rural residential lands assignment. According to the study findings of the research done by the description and analysis of 264 rural household questionnaires Foundation in six selected provinces, and 15 questionnaires of the scientical specialized to have weight to 20 indexes, Chahkotah rural, Abtavil and Malekabad are suitable as compared with other rural areas in residential lands assignment process. In addition to, ORESTE method as a criterion for ranking of consequences of rural residential lands assignment is suitable method and minimum wrong.
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Received: 2015/01/18 | Accepted: 2015/04/27 | Published: 2015/11/22

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