Ghobadi M, Ahmadi Pari M. Site selection for petrochemical idustry based on environmental palnning approach using integrated method of PROMETHEE II and FuzzyAHP in Lorestan. MJSP 2017; 20 (4) :201-226
1- 1Assistant Professor, Department of Environment, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Lorestan University
2- 2Ph.D. Student, Environmental Planning, Department of Environmental Planning , Faculty of Environment, Tehran University
Abstract: (6295 Views)
This study assessed the possibility of establishing petrochemical industries in Lorestan province by using a combination of PROMETHEE II and fuzzy analytic hierarchy process methods in a geographical information system (GIS) environment. Using 10 information layers including height, slope, distance from the protected areas, land use, distance from rivers, distance from faults, distance from rural areas, distance from urban areas, distance from available industries and distance from roads. PROMETHEE II method was used to rank alternatives. The weights of the criteria were determined using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process and the overlaying process was done on GIS. The results showed that about 16 % of the area of Lorestan province is most suitable for establishment of petrochemical industries. Sensitivity analysis shows that significant portions of these most suitable zones coincide with suitable divisions of the input layers. The sensitivity analysis, map classification, and factor weights showed satisfactory results for the model in petrochemical industry site selection.
Received: 2015/04/15 | Accepted: 2016/09/2 | Published: 2017/01/20