Volume 26, Issue 3 (2022)                   MJSP 2022, 26(3): 47-73 | Back to browse issues page

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Moussakazemi S M, mokhtary malek abadi R, Nourozpor Mehraban S S. Analysis of Economic-spatial reflections of urban housing policies on Iran; Case, Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Province. MJSP 2022; 26 (3) :47-73
URL: http://hsmsp.modares.ac.ir/article-21-59917-en.html
1- Faculty Member, Geography Department, Payame Noor Univershty, Tehran, Iran , moosa_ka@pnu.ac.ir
2- Faculty Member, Geography Department, Payame Noor Univershty, Tehran, Iran
3- Ph.D. Student, Geography Department, Payame noor University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (1828 Views)
To provide housing in Iran, in the Five-Year Development Plans after the Islamic Revolution, different policies have been made, each of which has had economic-spatial reflections on the development of cities and towns. The cities of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmed province have also experienced economic-spatial reflections under the influence of housing supply policies. This article aims to identify the economic-spatial reflections of the housing development policies on the cities of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad province. The executive policies of the government (including policies of PAK, Cooperative Housing, New Towns, Land Preparation, Lease on Condition of Ownership, Tall Building, Mehr Housing, and Social Housing) have been evaluated using the survey method. The tools of data collection are questionnaires and interviews with experienced and active experts in the field of housing in 18 cities of Kohgiluyeh and Boyar Ahmad province, which have been affected by housing policies. Due to the fact that the number of experts who have experience and are active in the field of housing and housing policies in the province and especially in the city of Yasouj is limited, a total of 20 experts (14 men and 6 women) in the field of housing, including 3 managers, 6 experts, 6 university professors, and 5 urban planning Ph.D. students were selected. The results of the research show that Mehr housing, in terms of paying attention to the economic characteristics of the poor, targeting and expanding mortgages, granting long-term and low-interest special loans and credits in accordance with the income of households, has the best performance and the most impact from the economic-spatial perspective in the cities of the province. Also, cooperative housing and Lease on Condition of Ownership are the most compatible with urban and regional economic conditions in the cities of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad province. According to the experts, the Mehr housing policy, Tall Building, PAK policy and the construction of new cities have had the same effects in terms of economic-spatial components, but they have statistically significant differences with other policies. Also, Mehr housing and social housing show the same effects.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: civil planning
Received: 2022/02/28 | Accepted: 2022/08/9 | Published: 2022/11/1

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