Volume 26, Issue 1 (2022)                   MJSP 2022, 26(1): 173-199 | Back to browse issues page

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Raeesghanavati K, Shamsoddini A, Heidari A A. Explaining the Key drivers Affecting the Sustainable Development of Mahshahr port city Based on Futures Research Approach. MJSP 2022; 26 (1) :173-199
URL: http://hsmsp.modares.ac.ir/article-21-57595-en.html
1- Student
2- Assistant Professor of Geography and Urban Planning , ali.shamsoddini@yahoo.com
3- Assistant Professor of Architecture
Abstract:   (2424 Views)
The strategic city of Mahshahr port is one of the sensitive and key urban spaces of Khuzestan province and the country, which plays a vital role in the export and import of various oil and non-oil materials and goods due to its brilliant historical background, and in political, commercial, security, economic, social, and environmental aspects has a special importance and status. An examination of the historical trend of the location of Mahshahr port shows that the importance of this strategic space is increasing with an increasing speed. Due to the internal correlation of sustainable urban development indicators to each other, the development of Mahshahr port city should be in all its aspects, so that along with economic development, social and environmental development also should be done, because if there is no coordination between the dimensions of sustainable urban development of Mahshahr port, comprehensive development will not happen, and the potentials of sustainable development of Mahshahr port city will not be used optimally. Another issue of sustainable development of Mahshahr port city is that attention is paid only to the port position of this city for economic development, while Mahshahr city has many capacities in other human and natural sectors, especially tourism (natural and human) for sustainable urban development. It should be considered as medium-term and long-term plans. Therefore, explaining the factors affecting the sustainable development of this key port by relying on futures studies can play a significant role in the all-round development of this city. Thus, the main question of the present study is: What are the key drivers of sustainable development in the port city of Mahshahr with a futuristic approach?

The present research is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of nature and method is based on new methods of futurology, analytical, and exploratory science. Questionnaire and Delphi technique and documentary and library studies have been used to collect the required data and information. To apply the Delphi technique and analyze the cross-effects, questionnaires have been prepared in two stages. The first stage includes 50-item open questionnaires, in which the most important factors affecting the sustainable development of Mahshahr port city have been provided to experts in the central issues considering different areas and comprehensive sustainable development, which led to the general extraction of factors affecting sustainable development in the port city of Mahshahr. The second stage includes 30-item questionnaires to determine the main factors affecting the sustainable development of Mahshahr port city through weighting, which were completed by the experts and finally used to analyze the collected data from MicMac software.

Results and discussion
Among the 35 main factors affecting the sustainable development of Mahshahr port city, a total of 8 key variables affect the sustainable development of Mahshahr port city. Thus, these variables have the most and least impacts on the future of sustainable development of Mahshahr port city and include the factors of "domestic tourism development (V4), urban development plans (V19), efficient local management (V21), efficient macro management" (V23), education (V24), communication network (V28), security (V30), and geographical location of Mahshahr port (V33) ".

Sustainable urban development is a multifaceted process that is influenced by various economic, socio-cultural, and environmental factors. Given the interdependence of each of these factors success or failure to achieve sustainable urban development depends on the type of planning and institutional capacity of city officials regarding sustainable urban development. Geographical location and human characteristics of Mahshahr port city has provided the necessary infrastructure for the development of urban sustainability in the city. Due to the high impact of the role of management on other factors, adoption of rational policies regarding sustainable urban development by managers and officials of Mahshahr port city, can determine the directions of success or failure of sustainable development of this port city.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: ecological planning and sastaining devlopment
Received: 2021/12/2 | Accepted: 2022/04/11 | Published: 2022/05/31

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