1- Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Tarbit Modares University, Tehran, Iran , safarrahmati@modares.ac.ir
2- Islamic Azad University, Najaf abad Branch, Najaf abad, Iran
3- Tarbit modares University
Abstract: (3489 Views)
Cities have become central to ensuring a sustainable future. Many Cities employ strategic spatial planning, a transformative and integrative public-sector-led activity, to create a coherent spatial development strategy in order to pursue sustainable development. Due to its encompassing, cross-sectoral qualities, urban planning science is expected to strengthen nature-related aspects of urban planning. This article is focused around a discussion of the nature of strategic spatial planning, as exemplified in the planning literature, and as an example, from Ardakan Municipality.
This paper aims to develop a strategic plan for the Ardakan city and operational plan of the Ardakan Municipality of Fars province. The method of explaining the subject is descriptive-analytic and strategic planning.
The analytical unit of Ardakan in Fars province, the statistical population of the study is urban civil engineering experts on the one hand (as a think tank workshop), and citizens of Ardakan city on the other hand. A total of 19 experts were selected by the targeted sampling method and 150 citizens were randomly selected and separate questionnaires were distributed among them. In different stages of strategic planning to operational planning (landscape development and project extraction), comparative analysis methods (analysis and comparison of the city per capita with neighboring cities
(, Oregon vision, the formation of panels for extracting strategies and goals, SWOT analysis has been used.
The city's strategic plan includes the development of a 20-years vision based on those four five-year plans. The prospect of goals and the target of the wisdom are tailored to the outlook. Extracting strategies are in six areasof social and cultural, economic, environmental, urban and institutional, physical, spatial and tourism. The operational plan for the years 1402-1398 includes 44 plans corresponding to 10 projects with the proposed amount of 168,800,000,000 Rails.
Article Type:
Original Research |
civil planning Received: 2020/10/20 | Accepted: 2021/05/10 | Published: 2021/07/1