Volume 24, Issue 3 (2020)                   MJSP 2020, 24(3): 170-200 | Back to browse issues page

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heidari sarban V. Explaation of Sprrituality Relation with Improvement of Villagers Resiliency Regarding Earthquake Crisis, Case Study: Varzeghan County. MJSP 2020; 24 (3) :170-200
URL: http://hsmsp.modares.ac.ir/article-21-40591-en.html
Department of Geography and Urban and Rural Planning, Faculty of Humanities, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran , vheidari56@gmail.com
Abstract:   (2808 Views)
  1. Introduction
  2. Spirituality is acknowledged as an important part
  3. of life by most individuals
  4. Spirituality is acknowledged as an important part
  5. of life by most individuals
  6. Spirituality is acknowledged as an important part
  7. of life by most individuals
Spirituality has an important and individualized role in the overall well-being of a person, group, promotion of organization performance and human settlements such as urban and rural.  The way in which spirituality is experienced is unique for each person. Those with higher reported levels of spirituality have experienced positive benefits including, positive outcomes for those who are in recovery from substance addiction, decrease of suicide in young adults, reduction of competitive anxiety and achievement of higher levels of self-confidence and positive psychological functioning protection from depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation and enforcement of resiliency and struggle for decreasing of problems
Spirituality is an inclusive term boundless of any religious orientation or denomination: It is viewed as a motivating trait that remains stable over time. It inspires people to seek positive interactions for the benefit of others. Essentially this means humans are aware of their own mortality and therefore they strive to create a sense of meaning, purpose, and fulfillment.
Spirituality has been associated with many positive outcomes. Overall, spirituality appears to provide a buffer to difficulty and increasing resiliency villagers versus of earthquake crisis resiliency of villagers on earthquake problems. Also, resiliency is defined in terms of the degree of psychopathology in a person who experienced negative life events. Fewer symptoms of psychopathology indicate higher levels of resilience.
According to what was said the author field studies in rural areas of Varzgan city indicate this fact today, [r11] in rural areas, material and worldly values have replaced the sublime, sublime sacred and spiritual values. As a result, the resilience of the villagers to the hardships and difficulties of life has declined sharply. This means that the vitality of life in rural areas has dropped sharply and self-confidence of the villagers has been weekend.  And other villagers do not know how to resist and endure the difficulties and hardship of life. In addition, the weakness of spirituality in rural areas has made rural citizen less likely to rebuild their inner areas. Benevolence and otherness are gradually disappearing from their existence. They are not optimistic about the upcoming events and are not at peace with themselves. They are not much less to know the universe. [r12] They experience of noble life. Most lead a borrowed life. All of these components cause :first, spiritual values should be undermined in rural areas. The weakness of spirituality causes the amount of resiliency to decline was declined in the rural areas. Because it teaches spirituality teaches the art of living to human beings. Finally, the purpose of the present study was to explanation of spirituality in relation with improvement of villager’s resiliency on earthquake crisis in the rural areas of Varzeghan County.
  1. Methodology
The purpose of the present was was to explanation of relationship between spirituality relation with and improvement of villager’s resiliency on earthquake crisis in the rural areas of Varzeghan County. It can be said that studied population in this study consists of all damaged villages of north Ozomdul Dehstan and households residing in this villages (N=398)  among which 196 persons were selected as statistical sample using Cochran formula. Sample size was determined based on the Cochran’s formula and the required data were collected through questionnaires. Content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by professors and experts and its reliability was determined based on Cronbach's alpha (0.79-0.91)
  1. Results and Discussion
The results of this beseech show that spirituality helps to promoting promotion of villagers resiliency versus on earthquake crisis. At Using this reason, moral humans create their personal virtually. Means,  it means that if human apprehend the meaning, philosophy and purpose of their life.  , the problems of life will be tolerated.   Additionally, spirituality helps to in increasing of resiliency versus on difficulty difficulties such as earthquake and other natural disasters, because abstract human has behavioral stability. In addition, spiritual humans love apprehending the existence. However, contemplative human has a stability, self-candor, self-love and positive self- knowledge. Also, ideal human is an optimistic, self-comprehended, just-oriented, responsible, introversion introverted, truthful, benevolent and self-reliance. Again, spiritual human has a positive individuality, self-confidence, gaiety and tolerance. Eventually, all above cases help in to enforcement of resiliency versus on difficulties.
  1. Conclusion
The results of research show that, there are significant relations between all variables of research, except variables of self-honesty, introversion, positive individuality and self-reliance with improvement of villager’s resiliency on earthquake crisis in the rural areas of Varzeghan County. Finally, according to the study results, a number of recommendations are also presented. Since of occurrence of nature events, including earthquakes and other events, is are considered a natural events and probability of its their occurrence is probable at any time and place, therefore, it is recommended to that the villagers living in the studied area studied be informed. That The villagers of Varzeghan County consider the earthquake and its suffering and problems as a part of their lives so that they stand against it if it happens. In this regard, according to Nietzsche, instead of drinking beer on the plains, they should ease the pain of climbing mountains. According of to Nietzsche at this regard, in life the joys and sorrows of the twins are inseparable, it is also worthwhile to make arrangements that the flame of hope should not be extinguished in rural areas and among the villagers because otherwise, rural communities will succumb to the slightest unpleasant event. It is worthwhile to increase the level of psychological empowerment of villagers in case of crisis so that the villagers will not lose their morale and will be able to deal well with the earthquake disasters.   

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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: rural and tribal planning
Received: 2020/02/10 | Accepted: 2020/07/19 | Published: 2020/10/1

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