1- Ph.D Student in Geography and Rural Planning, Tarbiat Modares University
2- Associate Professor Department of Geography, Tarbiat Modares University , mahdit@modares.ac.ir
Abstract: (4029 Views)
Introduction: Many approaches and strategies have been taken into consideration in order to overcome the development bottlenecks and challenges for employment development in rural areas. Tourism development is one of the programs in the field of tourism resettlement. Creating resorts is a practical way to achieve sustainable tourism development and the key to creating of a fun and meaningful ecotourism experience that in many parts of the world offers unique opportunities for rural development. This section deals with the history, culture and rituals of a country. that This form not only promotes employment, local economy development and sustainable tourism formation in the domestic dimension, but also in the external dimension, such as transferring culture and history, acquainting foreign tourists with ritual customs and advertising at no cost and recognition. Most of the world will follow from that such a country. Some believe that the opening up of resorts can play an important role in diversifying the rural economy within the tourism industry and view it as a means to stimulate national economic growth by overcoming underdeveloped ideas and improve the standard of living of local people. Indeed, the importance of tourism in the economic, social, political and cultural dimensions has encouraged many countries to invest and use all their capacities in this area.
What is certain is that outsourcing, as a complementary economic function, flows alongside other manufacturing and service activities at the rural and local level, since all businesses in this world follow a particular form or
a form that
It describes their lives from beginning to end. On the basis of this life-cycle model, this article seeks to answer these questions:
After a decade of operating resorts, especially in the study area, what kind of businesses are
this? Are they at a stage in their life cycle?And what is their position in the market? Because it is believed that the life cycle model is a good tool for introducing new businesses to the market, adopting the right policies, understanding of the rate of return on investment and financial investment,
it is the right tool to promote product behavior in a particular market. One of the different strategies is related to systematic market changes.
Methodology: This is a descriptive-analytical article that has been done using library and field methods. In this first step, by analyzing domestic and foreign literature and experiences, the most important criteria and explanations of the life cycle of resorts in economic, social, physical and environmental dimensions were identified in 4 categories (onset, conflict, growth and maturity). The follow-up was evaluated using the opinions of 30 experts (including rural development professors from universities in Golestan province and tourism experts from government departments) and 20 landowners who were purposefully sampled. Finally, one-way ANOVA, Tukey's Significance Difference (HSD) and Levon's test were used to analyze the data in SPSS software.
Findings: The results showed that the highest average score related to life cycle of resorts in the study area was from experts' point of view about conflict stage with 34.22% and the lowest rate was related to maturity stage with 11%. In other words, according to experts, this type of business is in the process of conflict. Whereas for the local community, the highest score in the life cycle process of the residences was related to the start stage with 38.76% and the lowest to the maturity stage with 15.83%. In fact, to the local community, boomerang resorts are in their early stages. The results of the Tukey test for categorizing homogeneous subsets also show that the two stages of involvement and growth are from the experts' point of view have the highest average. Most percentages are located on an independent floor. This difference is due to differing views of groups on employment, lack of infrastructure, system planning, policy making, raw materials supply, institutional support, sales of technology products and services. In addition, the analysis of the life cycle determinants of the resorts in the Turkmen Saharan region revealed that there is a significant difference between the three stages of starting, engaging and growing these types of businesses from the perspective of the sample community, while this difference is not visible at maturity. Accordingly, the 20 canopy resorts in the study area have considerable distance to reach their maturity stage.
Conclusion: Resettlement resorts are examples of locally owned small scale businesses that play an important role in environmental, economic, social and cultural reform of rural communities, with less pressure on the natural and human environment. Complementary economic performance flows alongside other manufacturing and service activities at the rural and local levels and can be a tool for economic development in local communities that has become common in rural tourism at the country level in recent decades, thus updating the infrastructure, Communication, Institution, Application of New Technologies, Attention to Development and Research.
Article Type:
Original Research |
tourism planning and space economy Received: 2020/01/19 | Accepted: 2020/04/14 | Published: 2020/06/30