poortaheri M, Hajinejad A, fatahi A, nemati R. Physical vulnerability assessment of rural habitats against natural hazards (earthquakes) with a decision model ( KOPRS)
(Case study Chalan Cholan villages, Dorud Township). MJSP 2014; 18 (3) :29-52
1- Assistant Prof. in Geography and Rural Planning, Tarbiat Modares University
2- Assistant Prof
3- Master in Geography and Rural Planning, Tarbiat Modares University
Abstract: (11772 Views)
Extended Abstract Ranking rural settlements based on the degree vulnerability to natural hazards is a crucial issue in risk management and reduces their vulnerability. The purpose of the research Recognition and design process of multi-criteria decision analysis model (KOPRAS) in rural settlements based on the degree of physical vulnerability to natural hazards (earthquakes), To achieve it through a literature review, collection components and indicators of physical vulnerability of Chalan Cholan one of rural district affected to natural hazards (earthquakes) have been performed. Methodology Research methodology descriptive and analytic; Based on 13 indicators of physical vulnerability, Information about the vulnerability of these villages in 2006 earthquakes were collected, and In the process of doing the normalization and weighting factors were used in the model, and based on Villages studied were ranking. Finding and Conclusion The results of this study indicate as for diverse and fragmented nature of physical vulnerability indicators, these models can be having capability high-ranking settlements vulnerability against earthquakes. And accordingly an effective step towards a successful program to reduce the adverse effects of natural hazards and reduce the vulnerability of settlements to be prone to the risks, So that the results of the (KOPRAS) Model show that the villages zargaran olea, Karkhane sefid kon and pahlavan kol most vulnerable and villages Heshmat abad, Behzad abad and Beatan have been least vulnerability in Lorestan earthquake of 2006 selakhor plain. Keywords: Natural hazards, Earthquakes, Vulnerability, model ( KOPRAS),Ranking,Dehestan chalan cholan.
Received: 2013/11/4 | Accepted: 2014/11/24 | Published: 2014/12/22