1- Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, Malayer University
2- Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, Malayer University , ka_shayesteh@yahoo.com
Abstract: (5167 Views)
Introduction: Hamedan is among the developing cities both in terms of industry and tourism, therefore, in order to better manage and to estimate costs and facilities, and on the other hand, due to the growing urbanization rate and the increasing population of the city, managers should make their decisions based on the carrying capacity of the city.
Methodology: In this research, based on Urban Carrying Capacity load Number Model, and Using four Indicators including population density, water consumption, waste production, and average carbon monoxide emissions, the Carrying Capacity and the amount of pressure imposed on the urban ecosystem of Hamadan were investigated.
Results and discussion: According to the results, 23.3% of the study area, with the first-class of Carrying Capacity are located in the southwest of the city. 29 % have grade 2 of Carrying Capacity, often located in areas 3 and 4. 14.5% have been ranked 3. About 17.2% of the areas are in the Carrying Capacity of the threshold. Also, about 15.7 percent have a critical Carrying Capacity and it can be concluded that no place in Hamadan has been in the desired state.
Conclusion: Forasmuch as no region is in optimal condition and about 32% of the area is past the limit of the carrying capacity threshold, Therefore, the situation in the city of Hamedan seems to be Instability and the conditions will eventually lead to a reduction in the urban carrying capacity.
Article Type:
Original Research |
planning models,techniques and methods Received: 2018/12/19 | Accepted: 2019/11/13 | Published: 2019/12/31