Volume 22, Issue 3 (2018)                   MJSP 2018, 22(3): 56-79 | Back to browse issues page

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mohammadi deh cheshmeh M, Firoozi M, SHanbehpour F. The spatial analysis of proximity in noisy land use from the acoustic comfort perspective, Ahvaz metropolis. MJSP 2018; 22 (3) :56-79
URL: http://hsmsp.modares.ac.ir/article-21-16521-en.html
1- دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز
2- Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Earth Sciences, University of Shahid Chamran, Ahvaz
3- University of Shahid Chamran, Ahvaz
Abstract:   (10428 Views)
Noise is an integral part of modern life and modern overnight. Our ancestors lived in a more quiet environments and exposed to the sounds were softer. The problems of the urban environment in terms of noise and discomfort for audio, mainly is related to two factors: ( A) density of more than production units, industry and services in cities, (b) the spatial distribution of business units in urban areas . The establishment of incompatible applications and business units nuisance and pollution in cities, especially in the vicinity of residential areas, the critical situation is caused by the transfer of land around cities is a suitable solution. However, Ahwaz, as a strategic city on a national scale, is faced with the low levels of acoustic comfort due to the: expansion of space, the establishment of heavy industries and workshops, crossing the national railroad through the urban fabric, the locating of its airport inside the city and etc… Of cities with a high number of sound pollutants and low levels of comfort is audio.
The dominant approach to this research is location analyze. According to the research literature and standards presented in Environmental Protection Organization, the land use in Ahwaz city and related data are provided. In local analysis, after identifying all noisy land uses, Noise pollution zoning is carried out in three steps including the noisy uses (step I) and local arteries (step II), and finally map acoustic comfort (step III) of the composition of the maps using Fuzzy Overlay analysis and operator SUM, for urban areas is obtained. The fuzzy membership functions, map algebra, fuzzy overlay have been used in the GIS to measure the neighborhoods of Euclidean distance tools. To determine the mean spatial proximity of land use in each area, the spatial analyzer application and also the fuzzy Delphi model are used for weighing the selected criteria.
Results and discussion
Noise pollution is one of the most important disturbing factors in modern life and work environments. The lack of acoustic comfort causes irreparable damage to the health of residents of the area. Therefore, regarding to the principles of proximity is necessary and, on the other hand, the proximity of urban utilities, especially the proximity of residential land use, can greatly reduce the amount of noise pollution and provide comfort for residents. On this base, the first dimension of analysis is the measuring urban noisy utilities. In this (first) dimension:
The spatial analysis results in this study can be investigated in three dimensions:
- The first dimension is to analyze the results at the level of urban regions. In this dimension, the sound comfort assessment map was prepared by region. The results show that the minimum level of observance of the principles of proximity in the city center and especially at the district (1 and 2) of region 1 and the district (1) of the seven region. In these district, incompatible and relatively incompatible land uses in the vicinity of the residential parts have caused the lack of adjacency and the loss of acoustic comfort for inhabitants. More ever the concentration of commercial activities with a sound level above 75 dB and workhouses with a sound level above 80 dB and the existence of a high pass audio network in the central area are caused the high levels of noise pollution in these areas. Because of the deployment of polluting land uses, the most noise pollution can be seen in the inner-city, and with the increase the distance from the center, we can see the reduces of the noise pollution.
- The second dimension is the spatial analysis of proximity in the metropolitan Ahwaz with extraction of value from the GIS export maps. The results of the proximity analysis indicate that in district 2 with coefficient (0/857), district 5 with coefficient (0/792) and district 1 with the coefficient (0/639) of region 1, have more incompatible land use that cause the most noise pollution in these regions.
- The third dimension is local analysis. Among the selected indicators effective in causing noise pollution, heavy industry, passenger terminals, intruder workshops, numerous repair shops, military-policing use and passage of highways and main roads, the most important polluting occupations They are Therefore, in order to increase of the acoustic comfort with.
The findings have shown that the deployment of polluting uses and occupations in the vicinity of the residential user has led to the lack of adherence to the principles of neighborliness in urban use and the principle of comfort is not adhered to in the vicinity of urban use in the metropolis of Ahwaz. Therefore, in order to increase the neighboring factor of urban utilities in terms of sound comfort in the metropolis of Ahvaz, it is suggested:
- the development of green spaces in metropolitan areas of Ahvaz using two and six plant species suitable environmental conditions areas.
- reforming network traffic engineering in order to avoid the heavy traffic and increase user and create facilities such as public parking in the area.
- To prevent the construction of sound and non-residential spaces that are sensitive to noise along main or motorways, and vice versa, to emphasize the use of sensitive applications along access roads.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Earth-Surface Processes
Received: 2018/01/4 | Accepted: 2018/12/3 | Published: 2018/10/15

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