Volume 21, Issue 2 (2017)                   MJSP 2017, 21(2): 1-34 | Back to browse issues page

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behnammorshedi H, Roknedine Eftekhari A. A Critical Review on the Methodology of Geographical Research in Urban Development in Iran (Case study: The Doctoral Theses of Geography and Urban Planning of State Universities of Tehran). MJSP 2017; 21 (2) :1-34
URL: http://hsmsp.modares.ac.ir/article-21-1650-en.html
Abstract:   (10343 Views)
Applying a methodology relevant to the research question is one of the most fundamental elements of scientific research. Due to the importance of urban development in geographical and urban planning research, the examination of the employed methodologies in a systematic process of scientific inquiry is an inevitable necessity. Hence, critical review of the methodologies of scientific research and evaluation of methodological criteria (the process of doing research) is the purpose of this study. This is a descriptive-analytical research with emphasis on library resources (the PRISMA statement checklist) and expert-based method. The sample of this research includes sixteen theses in geography and urban planning on urban development in state universities of Tehran. Results show that while in experts’ opinion, problem statement, research questions and research methodology are the most important indices, the examined theses had shortcomings in these aspects and paid more attention to resources, goal description and composition skills.
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Subject: planning models,techniques and methods
Received: 2016/04/24 | Accepted: 2017/03/11 | Published: 2017/06/22

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