Volume 20, Issue 1 (2016)                   MJSP 2016, 20(1): 149-178 | Back to browse issues page

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firozi M A, mohammadi dehcheshmeh M, NAZARPOUR DEZAKI R, shojaean A. The Measuring of the structural vulnerability of hospitals from the passive defense point of view by FAHP (Case Study: Ahvaz metropolis). MJSP 2016; 20 (1) :149-178
URL: http://hsmsp.modares.ac.ir/article-21-1581-en.html
1- Faculty member shahid chamran University
Abstract:   (10536 Views)
Critical facilities, such as hospitals, outreach centers and other facilities, especially in high density. On the one hand the need for health services and assistance in the crisis, have made remarkable the importance of assessing the structural vulnerability of hospitals is clear from the passive defense. This study aimed to recognize the vulnerability of structures in terms of passive defense in Ahvaz hospitals. The method of this research is based on purpose theoretical-practical in nature and methods, descriptive and analytical. Data collection tools are libraries, online questionnaire and data analyzing software based Excel, Arc GIS and Google Earth. The research analysis model is mixed by Fuzzy AHP (FAHP).The findings of the research have shown that the structural vulnerability of hospitals in average is 0.269 related with all eight regions in Ahvaz. In the four region hospitals have shown the highest rate of vulnerable with 0.284 and one and six regions with 0.257 shown the lowest structural vulnerability. Therefore, the vulnerability of the hospitals in Ahvaz do not differ significantly and the vulnerability of all of them are in the low range 0.200 to 0.350.The physical vulnerability of human settlements in natural and manmade disasters is a serious risk. Vulnerable structural, passive defense, Hospital, Ahvaz metropolis.
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Subject: Earth-Surface Processes
Received: 2014/09/9 | Accepted: 2016/03/16 | Published: 2016/05/21

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