Tarbiat Modares University (TMU), Tehran, Iran
Abstract: (17662 Views)
Literature on migration from rural to urban areas has much increased over the last few decades, sharing a wide range of concerns over various social and economic problems associated with migration. But despite this burgeoning literature, it should be pointed out that terminology in the field of rural to urban migration is not yet well standardised. The definition of rural migration depends on several aspects and charactrestics of population. The theoretical model presented in this research demonstrates that a move is a rural migration when the villager leaves one housing and labor market to relocate in another. Almost everywhere, rural migration concentrates extremely havily on villagers age 15-30. In this research we examined the role of economic and noneconomic motivation on the rural youth migration. In fact the chief objectives of this research have been to contribute to the understanding of the process of youth migration from rural to urban areas.
Empirical analysis show that although economic motivations are important in rural youth migration, noneconomic factors also have direct effects on subsequent moving behavior. For example, local amenities, residential satisfaction, social welfare, standard of living, need of achivenment, better life and valued goals significantly incrased motivation for rural youth migration.
Received: 2010/05/25 | Accepted: 2010/05/25 | Published: 2010/05/25