1- Land use planning graduate student, Tarbiat Modarres University
2- Urban Development Department, Tarbiat Modarres University
3- Assistant Professor of Geomorphology, Tarbiat Modarres University
Abstract: (8829 Views)
Recently, environmental change is a main concern in sustainable science. That can be affected human society in the global, national, regional and local scale. According to the sustainability paradigm, the relationship between human and environmental system is a global discourse. Global environmental change research has seen increased attention to the concept of vulnerability. In this sense, environmental change as a characteristic of social-ecological systems linked to resilience. In the recent years Urmia Lake ecosystem has been effected by many drivers (climate change, dam construction, irrigated farm land expanse and irregular utilization of groundwater). Therefore, the main aim of this paper is identification of vulnerable spheres and nods on the Urmia Lake eastern spatial organization. In this paper we used social, economic and physical index for identification and determination of vulnerability ecosystem change. We used multi attribute decision making GIS- based for ordering the vulnerability spheres. Moreover, the chosen model of multi attribute decision making was TOPSIS. According to the result, the most vulnerable spheres are in Azarshar, Ajabshir and Bonab counties. This paper also indicates the most rural population density is in Bonab, Malekan and Ajabshir counties which main activity of these regions is agriculture. Hence, rural settlements of aforementioned counties are in the serious threat with minimum distance of Urmia Lake.
Received: 2016/01/24 | Accepted: 2016/08/18 | Published: 2016/11/21