Abstract: (10046 Views)
Today’s,more games,entertainmentsand sports are displayed significantly in industrial and modern world so that original fields are rooted in the history our beliefs, culture and ancestors. Need to play and activity isglobal andpublicand theboundariesof age, sex, social situation, economic and geography base break downinvillagesandcities. Everynationhasits ownplay and entertainmentandall peoplelovetoworkalongsidetheirsubsistence activitiesandobliged which is rooted in their demand .Role and position of villages in political , social and economical process of development in region local scale, international and such aswidespread poverty,inequalityandunderdevelopmentin ruralareas,thefastpopulationgrowth process, unemployment, migration, poor people and etc.the rural areas of undeveloped such as fast population growth, widespread poverty, inequality process, unemployment, migration, down town living is causing attention torural area and it’s priority on urban area. Exerciseand native play are importantrolesinrural areas structure. Thisapproach haseffectively role on physical health, identityandsocialinteractionopportunities forrural residents. The aim of study is evaluation of native games position inrural areas.The range of the study is 10 villages of Miankaleh rural district villages in Behshsahr city and researchmethod is survey and analytical - descriptive. Data collection is designed field and document through questionnaire inLikert scale. Research question is then analyzed by (SPSS) software. The research result showed that according to comparison the average of assessment items in every sample size scales, it can be deducted that total status quo component mean were lower than average and these changes weren’t significant; it seems that native games there is no Specific position in study villages levels, also, by utilizing (TOPSIS) method in native games ranking,according to calculated weight in every scale, games such as Haftsang,Tilehbazi and GHayembashi have the most position and Gerdubazi,sangsangro ,also have the lower position between peasants
Received: 2013/08/9 | Accepted: 2013/11/3 | Published: 2014/01/21