1- Shahid
BeheshtyUniversity, Tehran, Iran
2- Associate Professor,Deparartment of geography,Shahid Beheshty University
3- Tehran University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: (7309 Views)
Village, like any other human phenomenon, has undergone various processes of change. As a historical necessity in relation to human needs, villages have appeared, developed and continued to survive. In this process, some of the villages amalgamated with each other or merged into nearby cities or as the result of population increase they transformed into new cities. In the process, some other encountered change or reduction in natural resources; local natural disasters; changes in socio-economic and political condition; and local periods of decline and even total abandonment, as a result of population decrease and mass emigration. These villages were either totally eliminated from geographical maps or began to adopt a new life, much or farms.
The villages of Iran followed the same path. During past fifty years they have been under the deep changes and disorders in their social, cultural, economic and physical dimensions. Since identification and assessment of the rural changes is a part of rural geography studies, geographers using different methods, to explain the process of change in village life.
This article is an endeavor to address the following two questions:
1.By using “Life Cycle Theory”, to what extent one can provide a new method of study in rural geography?
2Dose the “Life Cycle Theory” have incidental capacity to explain the process of evaluation in village life?
This article, by relying on descriptive – analytical method, intends to illustrate the capacity of this theory to generalize this process, from geographic point of view. The assessment carried out indicates, that in spite of few criticism and limitations. The “Life Cycle Theory” has a high capacity to define and analyze the process of village changes. Rural Geography by utilizing this theory can introduce an applicable methodology for studies of changes in village life in Iran.
Received: 2006/02/20 | Accepted: 2006/10/8 | Published: 2007/03/21