Assistant Professor of urban Sociology in Azahra University
Abstract: (11719 Views)
The literature of urban sociology and geography emphasises the decline of social and moral solidarities as a major characteristic of contemporary metropolitans. In fact, beside various determinative geographic, economic, adminstrative, technological and networking parameters of these places, the metropolitans are socio-spacial center which are facing different sorts of decrease of solidarity according to population growth, development of technological system of labor, and increasing needs of their citizens. The growth of decrease of urban and citizenship solidarities may extremely cause different forms of anomies and beheavioral diseases. It will even cause the formation of urban crimes and also disorder in the collective relationship system and its functions. Increase in the urban crimes statistic, in the beheavioral and psychological anomies, in sub-cultures of the nonhomogeneous social groups, change in the function of family ralationships and finally decreas in the sense of sharing social responsibility, have changed the danger of social and moral solidarity decline the a treat to the sofly and constant development of metropolitans. If there is a plan to achieve a fundamental social reconstruction with cultural, moral and directional fundations is the objective of constant development of our metropolitans, it is necessary to clarify why, how and under the influence of which factors social solidarities are declining. The Following paper concerns to study the context of mentioned subject by utalizing sociological and geographicel explanations. However, the study of social solidarity in big cities shows that in recent years the nature of urban development is experiencing some forms of urban disconnections. It is supposed that many reasons cause such a situation. In last periods, the weak spacial strategy was caused metroplitans not be able to expand the sphere of their social solidarities. Researchs show that the cultural lag in terms of social relationships from different point of views had negative and deconstractive outcomes for the human groups. It is supposed that the pose change of this structure should happen when attention is concentrated on the dimention of population, the cultural investment and finaly the change of planning direction toward solving the problem of socio-spacial dimentions of these areas. By using some of the scientific approaches, this writing is produced in order to explain the complexity of human relationships in metropolitans and to provide some ways for more researches in future related to negative outcomes of social solidarities decline in these places.
Received: 2010/05/3 | Accepted: 2010/05/3 | Published: 2010/05/3