Volume 19, Issue 1 (2015)                   MJSP 2015, 19(1): 33-52 | Back to browse issues page

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hafeznia M R, ghaderi hajat M, Ahmadi poor Z. Designing a spatial justice measurement model; Case Study: Iran. MJSP 2015; 19 (1) :33-52
URL: http://hsmsp.modares.ac.ir/article-21-11685-en.html
1- tarbiat modares university
Abstract:   (12736 Views)
Geographical space the product is function of many factors, and in which the functioning of policies an entity official institutions and index of means government and thus state great influence on the quality of its formation from the perspective of spatial justice. This is why that a proper understanding of the field spatial justice depends on understanding the interrelationship between politics and space. geographical or spatial justice is the relative equality of comprehensive development indexes (Economic, Infrastructural, political, cultural, social, security and health care) in the geographical places and spaces (micro and macro) of a country with indexes corresponding with development at the national level. Since the construction affair space requires design a model for sensing the amount it is the realization of years as well as changes, and a review of the literature up to today quantitative model and comprehensive is not designed to measure the spatial justice. Accordingly, the main issue of the study the operational model designed sensing spatial justice that it is a case study in Iran. This paper whit describes and analytically methods and whit practical - developed approach in response to the following question: Is can whit a model was able to achieve, continuously sensing spatial justice in the country? The results shows that whit to consider Positive and negative roles of the eight factors and their related indicators can be achieved on Computer software sensing a continuous spatial justice in countries
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Received: 2014/07/20 | Accepted: 2014/10/15 | Published: 2015/06/22

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