Ph.D. Student, Climatology, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
Abstract: (6226 Views)
The present research aimed at studing the roles and effects of El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Atmospheric and oceanic Circulation phenomenon in the changeability of inter seasonal spring rainfalls in East Azerbaijan Province of Iran. The results of applying Pearson analysis indicated positive and significant correlations between Nino1+2 and Nino3 Sea Surface Temperature (SST) indices and spring precipitation in the stations under study, which is an indicative of the increase in spring precipitation during the occurrence of El Niño (positive or warm phase in ENSO), and precipitation reduction during the negative or La Niña (cold phase). Also, the results showed that the maximum correlation of spring precipitation with the ENSO SST indices existed in Mianeh and Maragheh Stations and the minimum correlation was in Sarab Station. The calculated correlation coefficient rates between the spring precipitation and ENSO SST indices indicated the effect of latitude (geographical factors) on the amount of affectedness from ENSO, meaning that in East Azerbaijan, the amount of correlation increases from east to west and from north to south, the maximum of which can be seen in Mianeh Station.
Received: 2004/09/8 | Accepted: 2005/02/12 | Published: 2010/04/21