Bayati Khatibi M, Karami F, Mokhtary D. Investigation and analyzing on the stream erosion ,by documenting with geomorphological evidence and using with classical and quantitative methods Case study:Garangoo Chay basin(eastern slopes of Sahand Mt.E.Azarbaijan,Iran). MJSP 2006; 10 (2) :83-103
1- Assistant professor, Department of Geographical research
group ,Tabriz University
2- Assistant professor, Department of Geographical research group ,Tabriz University.t
Abstract: (6137 Views)
Stream erosion is one of important cause for the increase amount of sediment .Countless factors plays important role as a single or in set,when acts as erosion's factors on stream beds or on slopes and delivers materials in streamflow.Aggradation and degradation landforms and changing shape of longitudinal profiles of rivers at time,are evidences of these operation.The shape of longitudinal profiles gives important information about processes .By use of the regression analyses ,explained and interpreting of shape of longitudinal profiles and to compare many rivers with each other is possible.Evolution valleys defines rate of erosion at bed of rivers or basin.In this articles ,analyses erosion at longitudinal profiles of rivers concern to valleys and basin and area zonation with many type of erosion in study area .The results of this study show that,Garangoo basin settles in mature stage and medium erosionis prevail.
Received: 2010/05/25 | Accepted: 2010/05/25 | Published: 2010/05/25