Volume 18, Issue 1 (2014)                   MJSP 2014, 18(1): 153-180 | Back to browse issues page

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Identify and Prioritize Eroded urban texture using a fuzzy AHP. MJSP 2014; 18 (1) :153-180
URL: http://hsmsp.modares.ac.ir/article-21-11077-en.html
Abstract:   (10790 Views)
The major problems of urbans in iran the city officials and urban planners have always been forced to think of alternative thinking, Physical decline in older sections and texture urban no problem with the quality of the urban environment, So one of the main concerns of managers and planners and urban designers, planning, improvement, renovation and reorganization of these texure with new texture. So this article To identify and prioritize of old texture of zone two city saghez with using fuzzy ahp technique is discussed in This study theoretical – applied and study descriptive- survey data is needed. Based on an initial review, eroded GIS.According to the study, texture of range generally pattern uncertain and Space of vague.The result is a map of the three classes of priority, low priority and no priority was given to improvement and renovation Which reflects the performance of the fuzzy ahp model to identify potential areas for development.The amount of wear within the context of the hierarchical fuzzy (FAHP) Chang used a GIS environment. This hybrid approach of fuzzy logic (FUZZY LOGIC) and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is. After evaluating and determining the weights, the results of the environmental impact of GIS data layers in Raster Calculater options and options exercised Overlay, Layers of the desired final compilation of this action plan is the result . The final map, block vulnerable to development projects, prioritize the modernization and restructuring charges.
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Received: 2013/08/28 | Accepted: 2013/12/29 | Published: 2014/03/21

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