1- Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Imam Hosain, Tehran, Iran
2- Assistant Professor, Imam Hosain university, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: (12976 Views)
Studing and explaining the regional power system structure in different geographical regions of the world help us effectively to know the regional countries and powers, specially to reveiew their overseas policies. Grading of such countries based on national power helps us to know them much better. We can determine the geopolitic position of each one of these countries through their geopolitic characteristics in relation to other countries of the world. To find out the geopolitic status of any country, testing the national power of that country is a "must". In other words, it is a necessary evaluate and calculate different physical and non-physical parameters in this sense. In fact, the resultant of the forces, weight or gravity and also the positive and negative elements of national power producers, i.e. the algebric sum of power producing elements will determine the geopolitical status of countries. National power that forms the geopolitical status of countries, is produced based on the indexes of geopolitical structure.Considering the situation of the Islamic Republic of Iran as one of the Middle Eastern countries, and by studying and comparing the differences of power elements in these countries, one can determine the real place of Iran in this strategical region.
By determining the superior or inferior powers and also by knowing Iran’s status in the structure of this power system, the regional cooperations will be performed more clearly, and this will help the politicians and policy makers to protect the national interests and to materialize the national goals.
Received: 2007/10/2 | Accepted: 2008/07/28 | Published: 2010/05/2