جستجو در:
Journal statistics (in total) | |
Number of volumes | 24 |
Number of issues | 5 |
Published articles | 592 |
Acceptance rate | 74.2 |
Rejection rate | 25.8 |
Average time to review (days) | 251 |
Average time to publish (days) | 1166 |
Iranian authors | 1572 |
Non-Iranian authors | 3 |
Non-Iranian percent | 0 |
Article statistics (in total) | |
Submitted manuscripts | 879 |
Views | 4217486 |
Downloads | 2523835 |
Average view per article | 7124 |
Average download per article | 4263 |
Sections (in total) | |
Original Research | 310 |
Descriptive & Survey | 3 |
Case Report | 1 |
Brief Communication | 2 |
Systematic Review | 2 |
Letter to Editor | 0 |
Analytic Review | 7 |
Qualitative Research | 42 |
Not Assigned | 435 |