Volume 9, Issue 1 (2005)                   MJSP 2005, 9(1): 111-149 | Back to browse issues page

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Roknaddin Eftekhari A, Fazel Niya G. Theoretical Explanation of Effective Factors on Rural People’s Knowledge and Awareness of Their Potentials and Environment Capacities. MJSP 2005; 9 (1) :111-149
URL: http://hsmsp.modares.ac.ir/article-21-9079-en.html
1- Tehran University, Tehran, Iran
2- Ph.D. Student, Department of Geography and Rural Planning, Tarbiat Moderres University
Abstract:   (5532 Views)
Studies show that in last decades, some of the efforts on and approaches to rural development were concentrated on rural extensional informational activities. Over time and through surveys and studies, some of the deficiencies of the classic approaches were identified. In an attempt for reconstructing and also providing the optimal pattern of planning in rural extensional informational activities, an important question is: In explanation of factors, elements and also the conditions affecting the rural people’s knowledge and awareness, what indices allied theoretical bases and approaches introduce and present to be noticed when optimal planning is provided and rural extensional and informational strategies are developed? This article with an explanatory approach and through inspection on scientific sources, studies some of the effective factors, elements and conditions on rural people’s knowledge and awareness of their potentials and environment capacities. Our studies show that in providing the optimal rural extensional - informational planning patterns, notice to the following principles is necessary: The principles of bilatral flow of information, Adaptation with the geographical and evironmental conditions, Compatibility with cultural characteristics of rural communities, Using the potential of the local institutes in rural extensional - informational plans, Public coverage (To know is everyone’s right), and Environmental sustainability.
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Received: 2004/02/7 | Accepted: 2004/06/1 | Published: 2010/04/27

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