2- Razi university
Abstract: (9075 Views)
As cities get more developed, they get more involved with various features of the topography, geomorphology. Thus the importance and necessity of identifying natural contexts for distinguishing and recognizing appropriate places for creating buildings is achieved through inappropriate places. This study aimed at probing: the development of Javanrood city with regard to natural and geomorphologic causes in the last three periods, determining the appropriate places for future development of the studied area, its identification, and spread.in so doing, at the first step nine effective criteria in developing an locating cities were considered by combining two AHP and FUZZY LOGIC models. First the mentioned criteria were given proper weight. Then each of layers was become between zero to one fuzzy spectrum through fuzzy factors programming in GIS software medium. Eventually, the product, sum and fuzzy Gama factors were performed to them. After that, the resulting map of Gama factor of 0.7 was prepared in 5 classes. The results show that the city had grown the most on geomorphologic causes in first period of development. Also in alliance with future city development, the most appropriate places (with high proportion) are more located in northwestern part of the city and constitutes 1.34 percent of the wholearea, which shows the spatial dissipation of this area, the most part of the region has a very little proportion for city development.
planning models,techniques and methods Received: 2014/09/1 | Accepted: 2015/04/7 | Published: 2016/01/21