Azizi G, Safarkhani E. Evaluation of Drought and Its Effect on the Yield of Dryland Wheat in Ilam Province With an Emphasis on the Recent Years (1998-2000) Droughts. MJSP 2002; 6 (1) :61-77
1- . Assistant Professor, faculty of Geography, Tehran University.
2- .
M.S in Climatology, Tehran University.
Abstract: (10341 Views)
In this study frequency. intensity and durability periods of drought in Ilam province during 1972-1998 were evalvated by classification of standard data of annual and seasonal precipitations. The results of the study show that during the statistical period, the possibility of annual and seasonal droughts different areas of the province was very high ability to event In term of annual drought severity, moderate drought and in term of duration, one year period have the most ferquency. A mong the seasons, drought severty of spring has been more than other seasons.
The distribution comparison of seasonal rainfall and the yield rate of dryland wheat in the recent droughts (1998-2000) show that the unsuitable distribution of precipitation during the seasons and also decrease of the annual precipitation have caused the intensive decrease of yeild rate of dryland wheat so that the jeild rete of wheat in 1998-2000 in comparison to wet jearc (1997-1998)has decreased 68.9% and 69.4% and in comparison to period has decreased. 49.2% and 50.2% respectively. Correlation coefficient between distribution of seasonal precipitation (independent variable) and yield of wheat (dependent variable) shows that the most correlation in warm areas of the provine is in autumn and winter, and in cold area of province is in spring and autumn.
Received: 2010/05/25 | Accepted: 2010/05/25 | Published: 2010/05/25