Taherkhani M, Rahmani D. Specialization of Cultivation Pattern and Its Role in Rural Development Case Stady: Strawberry Cultivation in JAVARUD Region of Marivan Mehdi Taherkhani. MJSP 2006; 10 (1) :81-102
1- Tarbiat Modares University (TMU), Tehran, Iran
2- Master of sience in geography and rural planing
Abstract: (11294 Views)
Fundamental changes have been taken place in production systems such as agriculture production systems, by industrial revolution and technology Improvement. Instead of traditional methods that are basis on subsistence economy or limited production for living or area, production systems, basis on products, have been development for production in national and world markets. However farmers use diversity cultivation as a balancing factor, in order to preventing unsustainable in costs and products markets. The diversity cultivation method results in product dispersion, reduced income and unsustainable exploitation land use. Instead of diversity cultivation method, one of the best methods for rural regions development is specialization of cultivation pattern through paying attention to every region characteristics.
In this research, we studied and assessed specialization of strawberry cultivation patterns and its role in rural region development especially in Javarud region of Kurdistan. Eighty one (81) persent of the whole of Iran strawberry production is produced in Kurdistan .Then we selected 178 samples from population by Cochran formula after a survey of production methods, cultivation patterns and effective processes in improvement of strawberry cultivation pattern. We coded outcome data resulting from questionnaire and analyzed .Them through SPSS software by rank-order Wilcoxon test in two intervals, before specialization cultivation and after it. We estimated favorable indexes of hypothesizes by using these results and research field findings. Research findings show development rural regions indexes following strawberry cultivation rather than the duration of strawberry cultivation.
Received: 2005/11/27 | Accepted: 2006/03/6 | Published: 2006/09/23