Volume 9, Issue 2 (2006)                   MJSP 2006, 9(2): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

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Ramesht M H, Nematollahi F. Ice Capes Evidences in Iran. MJSP 2006; 9 (2)
URL: http://hsmsp.modares.ac.ir/article-21-4634-en.html
1- Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran
2- Instructor, Department of Geomorphological Geography, Islamic Azad University Abadeh, Iran.
Abstract:   (5956 Views)
Investigation of the morphological evidences on the quaternary glacial of Iran has been of interest to many researches. However, the origin of such studies can be attributed to Domorgan (1890) and Bobek (1955). In the same vein, over the past ten years, Iranian researchers have conducted deeper studies on the changes in the climatic conditions of Iran in the quaternary. The analysis of the obtained climatic data currently registered in Iran, on one hand, and the existence of locations with remarkable differences in terms of temperature with adjacent regions, on the other, have attracted the attention of geomorphologists to such areas, as well as to their distribution in Iran. It is evident that, by focusing on the estimated environmental temperature, one can guess that these areas have also had greater temperature characteristics during the cold periods in the past relative to their adjacent regions. The regions which show greater temperature than their adjacent areas are called cold troughs. If the annual temperature of these cold troughs is less than 5˚c and their surfaces are flat, then we can formulate a hypothesis for the existence of ice capes. This paper aimed at identifing the cold troughs in Iran and investigating their geomorphic characteristics in order to find evidences on the possibility of the existence of previous ice caps in these areas. The results revealed, for the first time, the presence of ice caps evidence over Namdan Plain.
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Received: 2004/03/10 | Accepted: 2005/02/9 | Published: 2010/04/21

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