Volume 24, Issue 2 (2020)                   MJSP 2020, 24(2): 85-109 | Back to browse issues page

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Urban Planner at Mazandtarh Consulting Engineer , mohsen.roohani@gmail.com
Abstract:   (3085 Views)
 Introduction: In the past decade, planning at different levels, especially at the regional development, has experienced different ideas of organization of product activity. Industrial cluster concept on cooperation among manufacturing firms are proximity to one another. The trace of this concept can be found in the theories of industrial planning. It is what distinguishes the concepts, the impact of industrial clusters on various sectors of the economy, named economic planning; and to interact on regional spatial development, named spatial planning.
 Methodology: Little attention has been paid by interdisciplinary scientists to this view of the industrial cluster; and researchers have been associated with regional development. This thesis is aimed to determine the role of industrial clusters in regional spatial development and the role of spatial development in optimizing the production of industrial cluster. Also,  the attempt is to interact between physical, social, economic factors and spatial development of regional industrial cluster. In general, industrial clusters within its definition set priorities on two concepts: 1. The geographical concentration of companies and institutions; and 2. Cooperation of product activities. So, companies, to achieve concepts, benefit values through activities of the production process. Michael Porter named it as value chain. These activities can generally be divided in two categories. The first category is called a primary activities, such as operations, marketing and sales, inbound/outbound logistic and services; and the second category is named support activities, such as procurement, technology development, human resource management, firm infrastructure
 Results and discussion: Thus, the principal foundation of industrial clusters, resulting results in the value chain of operations in the value chain as primary activity and interacts to procurement, technology development, human resource management, firm infrastructure as support activities.  Need to emphasize supply elements in mechanisms of growth changed regional growth models, and intra-regional flows of the resources (of capital and labor) are elements of the model. These models were developed in two main directions: 1. Focused on endogenous growth elements; 2. In addition to the resources of production (capital and labor), it seeks to engage the other factors of production, such as infrastructure and accessibility.
Conclusion: Thus, in the context of spatial development of the region, the five processes that are named competitive, spatial, social, interactive and endogenous processes production as space on the production of industrial clusters at region interact to in value chain. In strategic planning, SWOT is applied in regional spatial planning that use on industrial clusters by three stages: 1. To decide the system of spatial planning and its environment; 2. To develop a systematic framework for analysis; and 3. Proposal of possible strategic options. Within results of  SWOT, strategy statement of regional spatial development of Sari County based on industrial cluster provides a tool for guiding and restraining forces, trends and processes affecting the spatial development. This statement contains a hierarchy of goals, objectives, and strategies, and policies. These are as alternative paths of action and attempt to provide the ideal model of regional spatial planning based on industrial cluster.

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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: regional planning
Received: 2019/11/11 | Accepted: 2020/02/29 | Published: 2020/06/30

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