Volume 11, Issue 1 (2007)                   MJSP 2007, 11(1): 161-179 | Back to browse issues page

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Hejebri Nobari A, Shishegar A. Historical Geography of Central Zagros From 3rd to Early 1th Millenume B.C. MJSP 2007; 11 (1) :161-179
URL: http://hsmsp.modares.ac.ir/article-21-10451-en.html
1- , Assistant Profesor in Archaeology Tarbiat Modarres University,
2- ,P.H.D Student , Tarbiat Modarres University
Abstract:   (6258 Views)
In order to locate the territories that has been established from 3ed millenume B.C up to date of emergence of Iranian tribes in early 1th millenume B.C, and to disscuss about the tribes who has setteld there,this article provide an image of historical geography of a region in western Iran which is known as Central Zagros cultural basin in literature of archaeology , and this is accomplished through a survey of Mesopotamian texts that are the best documents about western Iran, and some Elamide texts.The teritories so called Varhashe, Simashki and Kassit are some examples. Many Scholarships have proposed different theories about the locating of these territories on the base of above mentioned texts. In this article, we disscussed these points of view and try to arrive at some conclusion about historical geography of this important cultural basin in west of Iran during the above mentioned period.
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Received: 2005/07/4 | Accepted: 2006/02/14 | Published: 2007/03/21

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