1- Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
2- Master in physical geography, Tarbiat Modarres University
Abstract: (7556 Views)
Analysis of land use changes in the areas around of large dams specially in the top of dam building and hydrology network is the main subject to evaluate environmentally effects. In this paper, analysis of dam effects in Sattarkhan Dam of Ahar city has been studied. Due to this dam supporting water in order to using in agriculture, drinking water activities and to support water for lands under dam construction areas, have considerable effects in the environment. In this study using results of reorganization of changed areas and unchanged areas from satellite images and to combine them with building and other equipments, rate and extent al effects analyzed in land use were determined.
The results of this research in GIS environment as thematic maps presented, indicate that in covered Sattarkhan Dam have two direct and indirect effects in its around. Th/e changes of grounds and agricultural levels to building and water surface is the directs of very high injured and changes of dry farm land and bear land to gardens developments of urban areas is the indirect effects and has low and very high injured indexes respectively.
Received: 2005/06/19 | Accepted: 2006/08/30 | Published: 2007/03/21